Diana Buzoianu: Inaripatii din Aegyssus [VIDEO]


Diana Buzoianu: Inaripatii din Aegyssus.

Multa pasiune si dedicatie…, asta simti cand il cunosti pentru prima data pe Stefan Raileanu. L-as asemana cu un Centaur, caci simti cat de mult iubeste aceasta creatura nobila dar patimasa, iar contopirea lor este aproape palpabila. Povestea lui se raspandeste de-a lungul multor ani petrecuti in preajma cailor, in calitate de prieten si medic in acelasi timp. A salvat multi cai destinati abatorului, dedicandu-si timpul si consacrandu-se.

Clubul hipic Real Racing a reprezentat cu succes imaginea orasului său, Tulcea. Un om pasionat si autentic, făcând mari sacrificii pentru crezul său, a inspirat oamenii din jurul său si reprezintă un model pentru copiii pe care îi instruieste in tainele cresterii cabalinelor.

A lot of passion and dedication … this is what you feel when you meet Stefan Raileanu for the first time. He resembles a Centaur, because you feel how much he loves this noble creature and their fusion is almost palpable. His story spreads over many years spent around them as a friend and physician at the same time. He saved many horses from the slaughterhouse by dedicating his time and dedicating himself. His club Real Racing represented successfully the image of his home town, Tulcea. A passionate and authentic man, making great sacrifices for his belief has inspired many people around him and is a model for the children he guides in the art of horse racing. (#MavicAir).

Mangalia News, 08.08.2018.

Publicitate https://www.mangalianews.ro/



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