Editia cu numarul 12 a Seawolves Bike Fest va avea loc in weekend-ul 7-9 iunie 2019 si se va desfasura tot pe malul marii, in Mamaia Nord, insa intr-o noua locatie, cea mai spectaculoasa de pana acum – PHOENICIA HOLIDAY RESORT!

Intrucat vechea locatie a devenit neincapatoare, datorita numarului mare de participanti si capacitatii reduse de cazare si pentru ca, de 12 ani, ne propunem sa facem acest festival tot mai bun si mai bine, am ales ca editia 2019 sa se desfasoare in cel mai apreciat complex turistic de pe litoralul romanesc, o locatie exceptionala, cu adevarat moderna, care ofera un ambient, facilitati si conditii net superioare oricarei altei locatii de pe litoral care ar putea gazdui un astfel de eveniment. Si DA – consideram ca si noi, bikerii si oamenii pasionati de motoare meritam sa ne sarbatorim pasiunea in astfel de conditii de lux!

PHOENICIA HOLIDAY RESORT ofera toate conditiile necesare desfasurarii festivalului nostru dupa modelul cu care v-am obisnuit… si mult mai mult. Va exista parcare asfaltata pentru motoare, zona de campare la cort pe baza bratarii de acces la festival, terase si restaurante cu bauturi si mancare pentru toate gusturile si buzunarele, plaja proprie a locatiei, zona de concerte etc. Noutatea de anul acesta este ca in centrul locatiei se afla un spectaculos parc acvatic, cu piscine fancy si spatii de relaxare, care va face cu siguranta deliciul participantilor!

O alta noutate este ca, locatia dispune de multe locuri de cazare, in mai multe hoteluri de 4 si de 5 stele, cu super conditii, fiecare camera din complex oferind o panorama spectaculoasa!

Am reusit sa gasim intelegere la administratorii acestui complex, care au acceptat sa reduca cu mai bine de jumatate pretul obisnuit pentru cazarea in hotelurile de 4 stele din complex (mai exact cele aflate in jurul parcului acvatic), exclusiv pentru participantii la festival. Acesta va fi de 35 Euro de persoana, pe noapte. Va spunem pretul per persoana deoarece complexul poate oferi mai multe variante de cazare, in functie de preferintele voastre – camera double, triple etc sau chiar apartamente cu 2 sau mai multe camere.

Pentru gusturile mai rafinate exista si posibilitatea de cazare in hotelurile de 5 stele din complex:


PHOENICIA LUXURY (50 Eur/pers/noapte) si
PHOENICIA ROYAL (65 Eur/pers/noapte) …unde conditiile si pachetele sunt bineinteles, pe masura.

Rezervarile se fac la telefon: 0735.005.050 sau 0341.403.200.

Pentru a beneficia de pretul preferential va rugam sa comunicati in mod special ca doriti rezervare pentru a participa la festivalul moto Seawolves!

Desi complexul dispune de mai multe locuri de cazare decat orice alta locatie de pana acum, sfatul nostru este sa va grabiti cu rezervarile, pentru ca este unicul deal legat de cazare pe care vi-l putem oferi anul acesta, iar locurile sunt totusi limitate. Si ce poate fi mai perfect decat sa ai o cazare de lux in inima evenimentului, conectat non-stop la actiune?!

In ceea ce priveste bautura si mancarea, va putem spune ca veti putea gasi orice, pentru toate gusturile si, mai ales, pentru toate buzunarele, de la traditionala bere la draft pana la cocktailuri, sau de la traditionalul gratar pana la specialitati culinare. Promitem ca preturile vor fi decente, poate chiar mai mici decat la ultima editie!

Bineinteles ca vom avea din nou concursurile, super concerte pe aceeasi scena profesionala, cantari live la foc de tabara pe plaja si multe alte suprize. Taxa pentru bratara care asigura acces la festival va fi aceeasi ca si in anii trecuti – 35 de lei.

In speranta ca am reusit sa va surprindem placut cu aceste noutati, va salutam si va asteptam cu drag la cea de-a 12’a editie a Seawolves Bike Fest, editie care promite a fi probabil cea mai spectaculoasa de pana acum! Vom reveni periodic cu noi detalii si noutati!

Keep in touch!

The 12th annual Seawolves Bike Fest will take place throughout the weekend on 7-9 June 2019 and it will unfold once again at the seaside, in Mamaia Nord, but in a new location, the most spectacular one so far – PHOENICIA HOLIDAY RESORT !(

As the former location became scanty due to the large number of participants and the low capacity for accommodation, and because, for the past 12 years we have aimed to make this festival better and better, we’ve chosen to house the 2019 edition in the most praised touristic complex on the Romanian seashore, an exceptional location, truly modern, that offers the ambiance, facilities and conditions far superior to any other location that could host such an event. And YES – we believe that us too, bikers and bike enthusiasts, deserve to celebrate our passion in such luxurious conditions!

PHOENICIA HOLIDAY RESORT offers all the conditions necessary for carrying out our festival, the way you are all used to…and much more. There will be paved parking for the bikes, tent camping area, based on the fest access bracelet, terraces and restaurants with drinks and food for all taste and budget, a private beach, concert area, etc. This years’ novelty is the fact that in the center of the location there is a spectacular aqua park, with fancy pools and relaxing areas, which will surely be to everyone’s delight!

Another upgrade is the fact that the location provides plenty of accommodation places, in a lot of 4 and 5 stars hotels, with great conditions, each room in the complex offering a spectacular view!

We were able to find sympathy with the administrators of the complex, and they have agreed to reduce their regular rates by more than 50% for 4stars hotels in the complex (specifically, the ones located around the aqua park), exclusively for the festival participants. The price will be 35 euro per person per night. The price is per person, as the complex provides various housing options, according to your preferences – single, double, triple room, apartments with 2 or more rooms, etc.

For the more refined tastes, there is also the possibility of accommodation at the 5 stars hotels in the complex:
– PHOENICIA LUXURY (50 Eur/pers/night) and
– PHOENICIA ROYAL (65 Eur/pers/night) …where the conditions and packages are obviously to match.

Reservations can be made via telephone: 0735.005.050 or 0341.403.200

In order to obtain the preferential rates, please specify that you are booking in order to participate at Seawolves Bike Fest!

Although the complex has more housing facilities than any other location so far, we advise you to make a booking as fast as possible, as it is the only accommodation deal we have for you this year, and it is a limited offer. And what could beat having a luxury accommodation in the heart of the event, connected non-stop to every bit of the action?

When it comes to drink & food, we can tell you that you’ll be able to find anything, for all tastes and especially for all budgets. From the traditional draft beer to cocktails, from the traditional barbeque to culinary specialties. We promise that the prices will be decent, perhaps even lower than last years’!

We will of course have our contests, our amazing concerts on a professional stage, live singing by the fire on the beach and many more surprises. The fest access bracelet fee will be the same as over the last years – 35 lei.

In the hopes that we were able to pleasantly surprise you with the news, we salute you and we’re looking forward for you to join us at the 12th annual Seawolves Bike Fest, which promises to probably be the most spectacular one so far! We will be updating you with all the details and news!

Mangalia News, 02.05.2019.