Personalităţi participante la prima ediţie a Conferinţei transatlantice EMINESCU – POE: Prof. univ. Dr. Robert Tally Jr. – Texas State University


Personalităţi participante la prima ediţie a Conferinţei transatlantice EMINESCU – POEProf. univ. Dr. Robert Tally Jr. (Texas State University).

Ideal ar fi să scriu acest text doar în engleză, pentru a fi înţeles direct de către marele critic literar american Robert Tally Jr. (Ideally, I should write this text in English only to be understood directly by the great American critic Robert Tally Jr.).

Voi selecta de pe Internet câteva informaţii despre criticul şi Profesorul universitar Robert Tally Jr, (sau ‘Rob’ – cum este apelat de prieteni – şi sunt privilegiat că pot să mă număr printre ei şi să încep mesajele mele către el, scriind ’Hi, Rob’.

(I will select from the Internet some information about the critic and University Professor Robert Tally Jr, (or ‘Rob’ – as he is called by friends – and I am privileged to be able to count myself among them and start my messages to him by writing ‘Hi Rob’).

Robert T. Tally Jr. is ‘a professor of English at Texas State University. His research and teaching focuses on the relations among space, narrative, and representation, particularly in U.S. and comparative literature, and he is active in the emerging scholarly fields of geocriticism, literary geography, and the spatial humanities. Tally is the editor of “Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies,” a Palgrave Macmillan book series established in 2013. The translator of Bertrand Westphal’s Geocriticism: Real and Fictional Spaces and the editor of Geocritical Explorations, In addition to his numerous essays on literature, criticism, and theory, Tally has written books on Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe, and Kurt Vonnegut, as well as a critical introduction to the work of Fredric Jameson.
Tally received an M.A. in literature and Ph.D. in critical and cultural studies from the University of Pittsburgh, a J.D. from the Duke University School of Law, and an A.B. (philosophy) from Duke University’.

Prietenia noastră a început prin 2010, când înfiinţasem CLUBUL PRESEI TRANSATLANTICE şi am realizat un interviu cu el pentru acest ‘copil transatlantic al presei online’. (Our friendship began in 2010, when I set up the TRANSATLANTIC PRESS CLUB and made an interview with him for this ‘transatlantic child of the online press’).

Profesorul american a făcut un gest extraordinar de solidaritate intelectuală, atunci când publicase cartea ‘Poe and the Subversion of American Literature’ (dar pentru a o citi şi a face referiri la ea în teza mea de doctorat ‘Arc poetic transatlantic: Mihai Eminescu – Edgar Allan Poe’, publicată de Editura JUNIMEA, în prestigioasa Colecţie Eminesciana, Iaşi, 2017 şi lansată la Târgul de carte GAUDEAMUS, în noiembrie, 2017, lansare unde au vorbit criticul Ion Bogdan Lefter şi poetul Lucian Vasiliu, Directorul Editurii JUNIMEA…, dar nu mai era timp să îmi trimită cartea şi atunci mi-a trimis pe e-mail cartea în format electronic). Acest gest ne-a apropiat foarte mult.


(The American professor made an extraordinary gesture of intellectual solidarity when he published the book ‘Poe and the Subversion of American Literature’ (but to read and refer to it in my doctoral thesis’ Transatlantic poetic arc: Mihai Eminescu – Edgar Allan Poe’, published by JUNIMEA Publishing House, in the prestigious Eminescu Collection, Iaşi, 2017 and launched at the GAUDEAMUS Book Fair, in November, 2017, launch where the critic Ion Bogdan Lefter and the poet Lucian Vasiliu, the Director of JUNIMEA Publishing House spoke …, but no more it was time to send me the book and then he emailed me the book in electronic format). This gesture brought us very close.)

Mulţumesc Profesorului Robert Tally Jr. pentru participarea la prima Conferinţă transatlantică EMINESCU – POE (conferinţă care face parte din Proiectul transatlantic EMINESCU – POE) şi, mai ales, pentru surpriza extraordinară de a citi, la finalul Conferinţei, capodopera lui POE – ‘CORBUL’.

(I thank Professor Robert Tally Jr. for participating in the first EMINESCU-POE Transatlantic Conference (a conference that is part of the EMINESCU-POE Transatlantic Project) and especially for the extraordinary surprise of reading, at the end of the Conference, POE’s masterpiece ‘The Raven’).

Prof. univ. Dr. Robert Tally Jr. (Texas State University).

Ioan Iacob, 18 iunie 2021, București, România.

MN: Mangalia News are onoarea de a fi partener media oficial în Proiectul transatlantic ”EMINESCU – POE”, încă de la lansarea sa de către domnul Prof. Dr. Ioan Iacob.

Mangalia News, 18.06.2021.

Litoral Press România

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