SPECIAL! Laguna din Balos, Chania, insula Creta (VIDEO)

Imagini de vis, derulate pe un fundal muzical excepțional! 

Grecia: Laguna Balos din Creta vă așteaptă!

Simply Crete!

Vă invităm să priviți clipul video pe ECRAN COMPLET, cu sonorul tare!

The lagoon of Balos has white sand and exotic white, vivid blue and turquoise waters. The sea is very shallow and warm, ideal for young children. In many places, the sand has a lovely pinkish color, because of millions of crushed shells. Beyond the rocks at the boundaries of the lagoon, the water is deeper and colder, ideal for a snorkeling.
Soon for the FIRST TIME www.simplycrete.gr 360 Virtual Tours of Crete!

Music Spanoudakis – Thalassa.

 MangaliaNews.ro, Duminică, 4 octombrie 2015.


Publicitate https://www.mangalianews.ro/


Litoral Press România

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