Paul Georgescu dă startul evenimentului „AtlantisMan” la Marea Neagră, în stațiunea Jupiter, Mangalia


Ceva nou. Ceva aventuros. Câte ceva, pentru toată lumea. AtlantisMan în Marea Neagră, la Jupiter, România.…/

In July, Paul Georgescu became the first Romanian swimmer to achieve the Oceans Seven, but he has also been concurrently busy organizing the new AtlantisMan event – the longest race ever offered in the Black Sea on the Romanian coast.
Georgescu explains: “AtlantisMan will take place on September 14th – 15th, in Jupiter, a resort located on the shores of the Black Sea. The main 10 km race is scheduled on Saturday, the first day of competition.
Hundreds of swimmers from Romania and abroad are expected to test their endurance, speed or determination in the waves of the Black Sea. The events include the 10 km marathon swim, the 2 km sprint, and the 3×500 meter relay. Also, children can take a part in the 250 meter and 500 meter races.
I had been planning to organize such an international event in Romania for along time. Based on my experience in competitions that I have participated all over the globe, I will use in my own country, to offer the competitors the ideal environment in which to test their limits, to enjoy the sea, the sand, to socialize with other swimmers. For those who come from abroad, they can discover part of our Romanian coastline and the beauty of the Black Sea”.
The Romania national open water swimming champion Andrei Enache headlines the competition. One of the guests of honor is the Bulgarian superstar and a recent Oceans Seven colleague Petar Stoychev, a legend in the marathon swimming and ice swimming worlds with four Olympic experiences. (…) Read more on
Evenimentul ATLANTISMAN se desfășoară în perioada 14 – 15 septembrie 2024 și este o competiție de înot în apă deschisă care include mai multe curse cu distanțe diferite, concepute pentru înotători de diferite vârste și niveluri de îndemânare.

Litoral Press România


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